How To Network An Event?
04/10/2022 15:44Networking is challenging for many job seekers. For those who do attend events and try to network, here are some great tips.
First, introduce yourself. Then, start the conversation casually. Next, develop the conversation into commonalities you have with the individual.
If you don't have common interests, see who they know and can introduce you to.
If you do have common interests and time is short, plan your next meeting online or in person.
Let folks you know where you are networking by joining Meetup.com. This site is a great resource for events and lets you know who is attending. Before the event, check who is attending and view their LinkedIn profile.
Preparing for networking is as important as actually networking. Before the event great networkers read several articles on the event topic and view the speakers profile. Then, you can share valuable and insightful information with your contacts. An integral part of networking is both parties finding commonalities, sharing meaningful information, and forming a business relationship.
After the event, followup with your new contacts. Offer insight on topics that are mutually interesting, introduce them to like-minded contacts in your network, connect with them on LinkedIn, and follow them on Twitter are some of the things you can do.
Building a network takes considerable effort on your part. This information is a great place to start. I encourage you to start today!